Haliburton Highlands, Big East Lake, Site 3

This may be our last canoe camping trip. Or maybe not. Our peers have long since advanced to RVs and cottages. But, for whatever reason, we’re still sleeping on the ground and pushing our limits, while sparing our pocket books. The magic of private, lakeside views is still strong for us.

Those exploring this site for themselves can find more pictures and experiences in our 2011 – Big East Lake album from a previous trip.


There have been a couple of duds amongst our canoe camping trips, because of weather, location or circumstances. So when we felt the urge to try again we decided to play it safe and go with what we know. Wolf Lake we’d already done twice, so we picked Big East, with its great view. We also knew about the portage, of course, and the heavy load we would bear. But we’d done it once so we figured we could do it again. Perhaps we are just thumbing our nose at aging, but our bodies have not protested.

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