The Eyes have it

For those who have eyes to see, our world dances to the music of the spheres. Photography is one of my instruments for playing along. I have been wielding a camera since joining the camera club in high school, and have graduated regularly to better cameras and expanding opportunities.
This gallery is one way for me to approach the world as it has been dealt to me. The photos that I have taken over the years, often casually and without theoretical thought, come back to me and prod my being. I feel compelled then to respond with words and to share the ‘Logos’ with others.
We go through life with so many things close at hand, often too many to fully appreciate. Only later do we think to gather them in again, ex…
Breaking out of our work-a-day worlds is a justifiably well-established practice. We get tired and bogged down in our own productivity and r…
Impressions may be fleeting, but they can be significant and durable. A few of those that I've snapped up are gathered here. Some collection…
Venturing from our past into the future, we look for directions. Not just down straight paths, but also the crooked ones that veer off with …