Sarnia Christian School
Though I attended Sarnia Christian School for only six years (grades 2-8), it played an outsize role in my life. My father was a teacher there, for two periods, from the year I was conceived (1955) to the year that I graduated in 1969.
Herman de Jong (1932-2004)
Herman de Jong got his teacher’s certificate in Holland. Much later, he would hang this in his upholstery shop to pose as credentials to unsuspecting Canadian customers.
These are the only relevant pictures that I have. I would love to include more, or link to resources that already have them.
Hi Henry
Your dad taught me in Grade 6 so that would be 1966. I remember him whistling Sound of Music tunes as he walked down hall. I am the guy at the end of the second row on the left. I would be interested in receiving the 20 year pdf your dad put together. By the way, we lived on the corner of Carr and Willa.