Into the World

My father made little books. I make websites. The idea is the same, though perhaps websites have greater reach.

I hope to extend that reach to my father’s work, posthumously, as well as to my own – and to the institutions and inspirations that I value. I’ve been more than dabbling at this for nigh on twenty years now. It hasn’t gotten any easier yet, but the quality keeps improving.


For those who might remember, I started out on MS Front Page, learned how to code HTML and CSS by hand, worked with Dream Weaver for a long while and have now moved on to WordPress.

In addition, I have hacked my way into an understanding of Javascript, jQuery, Perl, MySql and, most recently PHP.

My first computer experience was with Fortran in 1971, then C in 1974 at U of T (all on main frames). I was born in 1956, the year that the computer was invented. Computers have come a long way in 65 years and I’m happy to be riding along.


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