North Frontenac Parklands, Crotch Lake, Site 38

Our first shot at Crotch Lake, in 2016, got deflected by my mother’s hospital stay and our worry about being out of touch. The next year we were too late and went elsewhere, and in 2018 we skipped canoeing in favour of a big trip to Thunder Bay.

Site 38 appealed to us because it was on an island not too far from the access point. This island looks large on the map, but it turns out that site sits on just a small point, cut off from the main island by an overhung moat. Still big enough to explore but not to hike.

Nothing but sunshine

It’s interesting how much the weather can influence the experience of a place. On our Charleston Lake trip we were overhung by trees and sullen skies. Crotch Lake was wide open to a clear sky and the blazing sun. There was always shade to be had, but the canoeing was best done early or late.

Of course, when you’re canoe-camping, you can always go for a swim to cool off. And this site even had a small beach.


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