
Venturing from our past into the future, we look for directions. Not just down straight paths, but also the crooked ones that veer off with new insights towards new goals. Whether we follow or lead, we cannot reject where we’ve been or look away from where we’re going.
Home Gardens
I look for my inspiration to the natural landscapes that I have loved all my life - in woods and parks, by lakes and among rocks. I began in…
Native Plants
Before getting into native plant gardening, I was just an observer of native plants, taking photographs as early as 1977 during my first can…
Niagara Weather – 100 years
Niagara Weather - 100 years: Temperature charts for Niagara that I developed from local weather station stats.…
Newmaker Notes Comments
Leave a reply. A picture is worth a thousand words. But words are still invaluable.…