Objects of Affection

This article appeared in the
Jan. 23, 2017 issue of Christian Courier

The idea of putting on an exhibition of my own photos had never even crossed my mind. But then my mother died, I became an executor, and seven siblings faced the final task of disseminating her (and still our) home. The loss that I felt and mom’s “promotion” that I professed seemed so universal that I never doubted my idea would inspire. I would take the familiar objects that decorated our home and lift them to another level, just like mom. That would strike a chord!

On the day of our final family gathering in mom’s apartment, I wandered around and plucked up objects that were deserving of rescue and put them in a box to take home. A week later my wife and I were in Killbear Provincial Park and I spent my vacation coaxing inanimate objects into a state of glory. (Hard work, that.) Then I tweaked photos, thought and wrote about them, sent them off to PosterJack and, finally, on December 28, 2016, set up the “Objects of Affection” exhibition of 18 canvas prints.

That evening was everything I hoped for. The family was together again, the memory of mom drew lots more people into the experience and the atmosphere was warm and lovely. I had tried to convey the idea of the exhibition in my “publicity” writings, but people still said they were “blown away.” The large canvases, with their captions, experienced leisurely and in community was profoundly affecting for many.

Some said the exhibition’s success speaks not so much about my mother, but about me. I think it’s not about me but about the people who came and saw. Their experience is “Exhibit A” for the affection that God has for them, giving them enjoyment and delight in small things and a sure hope for what’s yet to come.


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