Once upon a time, I’m sure (though I have no memory of it), my mother and father read or told stories to me and my siblings. Probably every day. Whether they were from the bible or not, these stories pushed us to the frontiers of experience without at all endangering us. Only when our own children became the beneficiaries of Opa and Oma’s stories (and ours) could we fully appreciate the practice.
We are fortunate, now, that one family moved far enough away (to Africa) to warrant the recordings that are presented here.
Herman de Jong reads his story
“Aleb and the Wise Man”
Herman de Jong liked to make up stories all most as much as he liked to tell them. This one was clearly written out first, but his grandchildren and his elementary school students (back in the sixties) would often hear shorter stories created on the fly.
- Introduction Herman de Jong 0:42
- Aleb the prince Herman de Jong 2:19
- Aleb and Balthazar Herman de Jong 3:41
- The wise men depart Herman de Jong 1:54
- Aleb's quest Herman de Jong 3:24
- Aleb's commission Herman de Jong 1:52
- Balthazar returns Herman de Jong 3:48
- Aleb goes to Bethlehem Herman de Jong 6:47
- Aleb returns home Herman de Jong 1:10
- Aleb's epiphany Herman de Jong 5:13
Stiny de Jong reads
“The Great Voice”
by Auke Jelsma
I don’t know how much preparation went into it, but the telling of this story, in one sitting with a cassette recorder, involved translating the Dutch story in real time — a feat of UN caliber.
- Introduction Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 0:43
- On the mountain Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 4:05
- The cabin Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 2:17
- What would Jesus do? Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:35
- Pulling back Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:14
- The next winter Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:58
- Suspicion Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 0:55
- Deceit Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:41
- Revisited Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 0:47
- Looking for Jesus Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:58
- The door opens Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 2:00
- The cross Auke Jelsma, translated and read by Stiny de Jong 1:00
Stiny de Jong reads Wangerin’s
“The Manger is Empty”
Stiny was very taken with Wangerin, though this came lately to her repertoire, and would not have been part of her children’s upbringing.
- Introduction Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 0:38
- In the land of darkness Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 1:58
- Gabriel visits Mary Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 3:29
- Unto you . . . Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 5:06
- Mary visits Elizabeth Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 1:29
- Joseph Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 3:05
- Gabriel visits Joseph Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 3:09
- Birth in Bethlehem Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 2:21
- Gabriel visits the Shepherds Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 2:09
- Nativity scene Walter Wangerin, read by Stiny de Jong 3:13
Stiny de Jong reads
“The Selfish Giant”
by Oscar Wilde
Listening to a book like this is best done with illustrations.
- Introduction Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 0:39
- Chapter 1 Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 2:20
- Chapter 2 Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 2:52
- Chapter 3 Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 2:55
- Chapter 4 Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 2:41
- Chapter 5 Oscar Wilde, read by Stiny de Jong 0:55
Herman de Jong reads from
Revelation (in Dutch)
Herman recorded this reading of Revelation for the benefit of his mother, living in Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Introduction Herman de Jong 0:14
- Rev. 7: 9-17 Herman de Jong 1:56
- Rev. 12 Herman de Jong 3:33
- Rev. 14: 1-5 Herman de Jong 1:08
- Rev. 19: 1-16 Herman de Jong 3:17
- Rev. 20: 1-6 Herman de Jong 1:35
- Rev. 21: 1-19, 22 Herman de Jong 3:23
- Rev 22:6-21 Herman de Jong 2:55