A Short Story

On any long journey, most of what you see is common, even forgettable — unworthy of prime time. Photographs, and their media make it possible to immortalize even the mundane, but who really cares? It takes some doing to curate this burgeoning digital mess so that we ourselves, and perhaps a few others can derive some satisfaction and meaning from it. Here is a sampling.

Renovation blog: 1984 – 2021
I moved to the Niagara Peninsula the same year we bought our first computer (ostensibly for Wendy). By 1998 I was fooling with websites, focusing on marketing. Ten years later I started using jAlbum and Dreamweaver for posting my renovating photos to try to attract customers (word of mouth works better). Another ten years later I switched to WordPress. Now that I’m retired, the much larger collection has been pared down to this.

Chorus Niagara: 1999 – 2011
For the years that I sang in Chorus Niagara I also developed their website. Snapshots of these pages are now a handy reference for remembering what it is we sang.

B Minor Mass Explorer
In 2000, I accompanied my singing of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion with an online, interactive libretto. In 2009 I got more sophisticated with this interactive explorer for the B Minor Mass.

Jubilee Fellowship: 1987 – present
This church has been an outsized part of my life for close to forty years now. This panorama of its Living Vine Mural and worship space marks one of its significant phases.

Canoe Camping: 2010 – present
I’ve been camping my whole life. My photo-journals of our canoe camping expeditions since 2010 are the most visited pages on this website.

Pake Roorda – Sunday School drawings
This lovely collection has been carried over from my defunct Worship aNew website.

The van der Laan Venture, 2019
I published this book for the occasion of the 2019 van der Laan reunion in Michigan. These memoirs of my grandparents and some of their children are now available here in PDF and eBook format.

Objects of Affection, 2016
This exhibition of 18 photos to commemorate the passing of my mother in 2016 was a milestone in my creative life.

Music Visualizations
Anyone with an ear for organ and a love of Bach will get off on this sampling of music visualizations.


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