An Eclectic Collection

I have been collecting books since I joined the Book of the Month Club as a teenager. Collecting is the operative word here, since I don’t always read (completely) all that I collect. To illustrate that I am no Johnny-come-lately to gardening, one of my Club acquisitions was Thalassa Cruso’s “To Everything There Is a Season”, hot off the press in 1973.

The trouble with books is that they tend to sit, forgotten, on shelves. There is no search facility for my library, so when I need information I default to the internet. By bringing these resources together on one (web) page, I hope to remind myself to get away from my computer and to sit down with a book. (I know, a bit paradoxical, that)

Of course, since the dawn of the http://newage, I have also been collecting websites. If a site is useful, I’ll drag the link onto my desktop, and or add it to my Bookmark Buddy. There’s a huge list by now, and not all so well organized. So, those that are truly important to my native gardening, I commit to adding them here – mostly for my sake.

As everywhere in this website, I welcome your comments and suggestions. You can contribute below, but also for each item by clicking the photo and then the comment bubble. I would love to know what influences have been behind your native gardening quest.

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Newmaker Notes – writings, photos and collections – by Henry J. de Jong.

Newmaker is the spirit that drives a lifetime of creativity, and is a reflection of the Creator who continues to make all things new.


One thought on “Native Plant Gardening Resources

  1. I’m not new to gardening, but am a novice when it comes to native plants and their place in our world. A book that has helped me connect things in my mind is Latin for Gardeners by Lorraine Harrison. Latin names are essential for identification, and understanding what they mean sheds light on the plants’ characteristics as well as their history with humans. I got my copy from Lee Valley.

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