Interactive, Visual Presentation created for the
Chorus Niagara – April, 2000 concert

Introductory Notes

Time is the truest friend of great art. Give of your own and you too will be drawn into this richly rewarding relationship. Chorus Niagara drew close to the St. Matthew Passion for the first four months of 2000. For some members this relationship goes back up to fifty years and the whole event was like a reunion of good friends. Your own investment, even if it starts now, can also grow into something special. We encourage you to take some time for discovery before you come to the concert or listen to your recording. Read the translated texts. Compare the Scripture passages with the Meditations. Look for allusions and contrasts. To help you there are notes throughout that draw your attention to aspects of text and music that you might not otherwise know or see. Point your mouse at any eighth note that you see and a text note will pop up. In the chorale boxes, click the half note to open the chorale page.

  1. eighth note – popup comment
  2. half note – open chorales page

Henry de Jong, April, 2000

This presentation is pretty much unchanged from its inclusion in Chorus Niagara’s nascent website in the year 2000. This was my first foray into javascript/css responsive web design. Amazingly, it still works twenty one years later.

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