Practices Folio

God Includes

God Includes

God loves you and me. That's the firm foundation for our faith, as it can be for every one of God's children. God's esteem for us is also the foundation of our self-esteem. We know from the history of redemption that God does not hold back this love from...
Talkabout - Living in Faith

Talkabout - Living in Faith

A talkabout ministry, in an organized yet organic way, could facilitate the fellowship of people who need to talk about things. It would open doors between people with common concerns and offer some guidance for talking about those concerns.
Seerveld on Genevan Psalmody

Seerveld on Genevan Psalmody

The Gift of Genevan psalmody for today sprung from its historical context. Calvin Seerveld speaking about Genevan Psalm 47 as sung by the Pax Christi Chorale
Calvin on Worship Songs

Calvin on Worship Songs

This is my own paraphrase of a translation of the last part of Calvin's Preface to the Psalter.


Newmaker Notes – writings, photos and collections – by Henry J. de Jong.

Newmaker is the spirit that drives a lifetime of creativity, and is a reflection of the Creator who continues to make all things new.


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