This page offers some reservations, and the links below are to older unpublished, unposted works by Henry de Jong, along with some Breakout ideas, that are held in reserve for reference and for exchange with publishers and editors. They may not be used without conversation or permission. They may be
Here I endeavour to set down the kernels of various ideas with the aim of growing and testing them over time. The nubs are sketched here for exchange and conversation with publishers and editors. This page may be freely shared as a link with other potentially interested publishers, editors and
A Song Transformed
This moment, which I have also experienced in other Bach cantatas, is, for me, consistently hair raising. I'm always aware of course that the choir will come in (it is a chorale after all). And, at the concert, I watched the one hundred choir members ready themselves by standing when
The Minstrel’s Journey
I don't know when the minstrel came to our household or from where. But it was ages ago and he's been with us ever since. In 1976, when we were still living in Sarnia, he was there.
Discovering Jordan B. Peterson
A common refrain among those who are taken by Peterson is that he says things that they've always known but didn't know how to express. That's certainly true for me. There has been no radical change in my beliefs, just a deepening.
Creation: Creativity and Logos
In the beginning, there was nothing, but God. God is good. So God created a universe, chock full of potential and form, where once it had been formless and empty. Creation continued for a very long time and continues to this day.
By Grace Alone
But I am blessed. I have experienced this-worldly salvation and power throughout my life. I attribute it to God. It is indeed by God's help that I am where I am -- this I confess, and for this I thank God.