Herman de Jong
Writing for his descendants living during the year 2050. Publishing this work is a bit premature, but some of us will not be around in 2050 to read this. So, as Herman would say, let's just jump the gun.
The Panorama Page
Taking the Wide View: These panoramas are mostly just casual, hand held affairs. taken on the spur of the moment to preserve a wide view that I found particularly appealing
The Living Vine Panorama
This panorama of Jubilee Fellowship's worship space was taken just after Christmas, 2010.
The Living Vine mural, wrapping around the back, takes up more than half of the panorama.
Hinne de Jong
From the memoirs of Hendrik (Hinne) de Jong (1896-1982, translated/arranged by his son, Sense de Jong and maintained by grandson Henry.
The Time-lapse Page
Taking the Long View. There's no way to do time-lapse photography casually or on the spur of the moment. It takes planning, equipment, time, patience and specialized software. But it's worth doing . . .
Talkabout – Living in Faith
A talkabout ministry, in an organized yet organic way, could facilitate the fellowship of people who need to talk about things. It would open doors between people with common concerns and offer some guidance for talking about those concerns.
Herman de Jong – Prose
Prose by Herman de Jong (1932 - 2004) - A set of six short prose poems on matters of faith.